Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Back Fat

Awwww... Back Fat. So many people know exaclty what this is... it is truly one of the hardest parts on my body to get rid of fat. I remember when I was working out with a trainer she was constantly telling me, "if you don't eat more, you will never lose the love handle." I always got so frustrated...
So I did some research and found a great article that has some advice for all those people out there trying to figure out how to get rid of the famous "Back Fat"

How to get a Fatless Back

Your back is made up of the upper, middle and lower section, but excess fat typically builds around the middle and lower areas, creating unsightly bulges near your waist and hips known as "love handles." Stretching and gentle strengthening exercises will improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of injury, but to tone the major muscle groups in your back, you'll need to regularly do a strengthening routine for 30 minutes or more, three times a week, along with doing cardiovascular exercises to reduce the fat and eating a healthful diet.

Seated Lateral Pull-Down

The seated lateral pull-down requires a lifting machine with a cable bar and engages your lat muscles, technically called latissimus dorsi, that spread around the middle of your back like muscular wings. In the seated position, pull the bar down from overhead until it touches the middle of your clavicle, or collarbone, on your chest. When releasing the bar, maintain control by moving slowly and never allow the weight to jerk your arms upward, as this can injure your joints. Repeat three sets 10 to 15 times.

Prone Cobra

The prone cobra, or prone scapula stabilization exercise, targets your trapezius muscles, below your neck, along with several of the deltoid muscles, which are near the area where fat bulges around your bra-line or bathing suit tops. This exercise requires no equipment and can be performed anywhere with enough room to lie down and extend your arms. The starting position requires lying on your stomach with your arms stretched out above your head in a "Y" shape. Your head remains pointing down as you lift your entire upper body off the ground for a period of three seconds. The movement in your upper torso will also raise your arms. Hold your prone position for three seconds and slowly return to your starting position over a period of three seconds. Increase the intensity level by holding your prone position and bringing your arms down by your sides so your elbows form a right angle. Your arms return to their starting position above your head before you lower your torso to the ground. Perform this movement sequence movement at least five times.

Single Arm Dumbbell Row

The single arm dumbbell row targets the muscles across the middle of your back, known as the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids, and engages the lower-abdominal muscles that wrap around your lower back, called obliques. The exercise requires holding one dumbbell while bending at the waist and resting one knee on a bench or chair for support. Your back must remain straight while the arm outside the bench hangs straight down your side. As your torso remains steady, your elbow slowly rises and bends until the upper half of your arm is parallel to the middle of your back. Never jerk your arm or allow it flop back down. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions on either arm.

Effective Amount of Weight

Too little weight won't build strong fat-fighting muscles in your lower back, but lifting too much can cause injury. Speak with a trainer or your physical therapist to find a good starting weight for your workout routine. Gradually increasing the amount of weight ensures that your muscles continue growing and burning calories. When you can perform the exercise with minimal effort, you should increase the weight increment by 2 to 3 pounds.


Without modifying your diet, all the strengthening exercises in the world won't reduce the fat rolls on your back. Lifting weights increases your muscle mass. By increasing your muscle mass, you're increasing the amount of calories your body burns, which helps shrink your fat cells. A diet low in fat and high in lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains is a necessary component to minimizing your back fat.

Read more: Livestrong Website

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