Many people get impatient when it comes to results. They get tired of looking in the mirror and not seeing any changes. I can understand these frustrations, because there is one part of my body I have worked on for YEARS, and have never seen a change, BUT what you see and what otheres see are two different things. Alot of people struggle with "looking past" what they used to look like to see the new them, so when someone tells you, "you look great," or, "you look like you have been losing weight." BELIEVE THEM !! I know from personal experience this is a hard thing to do, and I have worked for years to start believing people when they say these things to me. I can tell you that now when I look in the mirror I still have issues and may not see the what others see, but I do see me, the me that I love. I no longer pick at myself for what I think I look like, I can see the real me.
Exercise is hard work, both physically and mentally. So know that when you work out, even if you don't see the results right away, don't give up, because someone out there is saying, "Damn.. You look good."
Self-esteem is defined as " The experience of being capable of meeting life's challenges and being worthy of happiness. "
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